ロマンティック・キラー 4 [Romantic Killer 4] (2024)


631 reviews231 followers

August 11, 2023

Ahhh that was the perfect ending, it was so good. I love it all and I’m sad it’s over but I’m so happy I can reread these whenever I want. I kind of figured out where the ending would go pretty early on and I’m SO HAPPY it didn’t change direction because it felt very true to Anzu’s character. Such a cute story. I love that little yellow turd so much 🥹🫶.


Jen (Finally changed her GR pic)

2,956 reviews27 followers

July 4, 2023

Endings like this are the reason why FanFic exists. So the reader can write the ending they like the best. Not even a “Lady or the Tiger” ending, BUT it IS realistic if one ignores all of the magic.

And DUDE Riri was AWESOME at the end. That scene gave me CHILLS. So Riri was SLIGHTLY redeemed. But then the whole “you have a time limit or things will be taken PERMANENTLY from you” was uncool.

But FanFic ending, she keeps it all, lol.

4, I can see why it ended that way but…not 100% happy with it, stars.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



2,208 reviews192 followers

July 7, 2023

[CW: stalking, assault]

It’s the last volume of Anzu being harassed by Riri to get a (love) life. What will happen when the story decides to veer off from that hilarity into a hugely creepy digression about Kazuki’s past that’s likely to break more bones than hearts.

Well, that happened, as they say. I think I’ve been at war with this story’s desires versus its capabilities for so long that seeing it pass into the good night is kind of a relief. It was never as clever as I wanted, nor as funny, which is a shame since I was really the target audience given my excessive consumption of shojo manga.

In fact, that whole raison d’être gets tossed aside almost entirely for the sordid tale of Kazuki’s stalker, who is creepy and awful and torments the poor guy in a believable way with the authorities believably helpless to stop it. Once she realizes Anzu and Kazuki are friends, trouble of a more physical nature looms ahead.

You know, in this manga about obnoxious fairies and the word turd.

I’m not saying funny manga can’t be serious, but you want the transition to be handled with a little more aplomb and panache. This reads like a webcomic that somebody felt needed to get super serious and reached for the drama button.

The mangaka’s notes make it clear that there’s thought and research and care here, but it goes way too hard for too much of the volume and it short shrifts its own premise, minus Riri finally doing something that makes them not completely hateworthy.

Everything between Anzu and Kazuki is actually pretty decent; their developing friendship is a nice touch and Junta finally gets something to do, which is have his heart continually mangled by walking in on the other two in various situations. It’s the most interesting he ever gets.

I also liked the tsundere jokes, but Little Lord Fauntleroy there really didn’t get to do much of anything either except throw his weight around for a deus ex machina. The mangaka admits as much, but it’s really just left on the table like so much else from this series. There is a real half-formed quality to the whole thing, including the ending.

[Spoilers below if you care]

Having Anzu not pick anybody at the end is really kind of a cop-out for me and I get the point, but it’s more that the story ends here and nothing has happened, but might, rather than a real conclusion where she rejects love or something fun like that.

I guess the thing to appreciate is that she’s grown as a person, but it’s like hearing an audio book and the narrator just stops at an arbitrary point mid-paragraph rather than concluding a single thing. Honestly, it’s more than likely she ends up with Kazuki just because Junta is a total drip.

As a whole it had great ideas, but it just felt amateurish in execution. I mean, it got a series on Netflix, which is more than I have, so what do I know? It really comes across like the author lost interest and just decided they were finished, even if it’s because they apparently like endings where nothing is figured out.

This is one of those series that left me colder and colder as it went and I feel bad because it clearly has a lot of fans and it should be so, so up my alley, but the mangaka and I clearly have very different ideas about how to approach the subject. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

3 stars - was anybody asking for this to be so damn serious at the end? I know I wasn’t and it feels like a real tonal shift that is okay on its own, but doesn’t blend well with the comedy side of things, ie what the series has been about from the start. Really all over the place.

Laura (crofteereader)

1,106 reviews56 followers

July 6, 2023

That was such a GOOD ENDING. I was shocked that it ended so soon, but I think it was handled very well and this volume did deal with much more serious topics with grace and balanced the humor well.

nush ❀

570 reviews13 followers

July 3, 2023

— 4.5 ☆

i mean i love this series, it's so fluffy and fun but this took a turn. i loved how much drama there was in this but im a little upset because we didn't get a conclusive ending. id have liked to see her end up w one of them and be happy but it just kinda ended in a found family vibed thing. which was still okay, im not TOO mad but I am kinda disappointed


328 reviews18 followers

September 12, 2023

I'm trying to decide how I feel about the ending. I know that I didn't hate it but I think it would be nice to get a spin off or something. Overall, I really enjoyed this series. It was hilarious and a lot of fun to read. This volume took a darker turn than I expected but I still enjoyed it a lot.



2,031 reviews11 followers

June 18, 2024

The end of the series, im not quite sure how i feel about this one. I get the ending, and it fits with Anzu's character, but I do kind of wish there was some resolution. But I suppose it's left up to the readers' imagination. Still a fun read.


1,520 reviews52 followers

September 13, 2023


This book took a turn that I wasn't expecting, it felt like it came out of nowhere, but it also brought all the characters closer together. I wish the ending had felt more concrete instead of so open ended. But maybe that means we'll see a spin off later on?

Jess Shumaker

239 reviews10 followers

December 13, 2023

I'm unsatisfied with the ending, but it was a cute series


225 reviews16 followers

July 21, 2023

Nice ending. I really liked the individual characters and the (kinda) found family. Seeing Anzu meet these new people and get out of her comfort zone was nice to see and interesting to follow, and I'm glad I found this Manga series.


204 reviews1 follower

March 6, 2023

It was a nice final to end it all. It's not clear who won this fight but hey it was never a romantic challenge anyway! I enjoyed the read and I wonder if there will be more coming after this because it will be interesting to see how this will develop from this point onward.

I enjoyed it and do recommend either watching (Netflix) or reading this if you're interested to see someone challenge every clique romantic plot point in all history. I enjoyed this casual read (and the watch to follow along as I read).



505 reviews

March 5, 2024

Perfect ending. I really enjoyed it. Anzu is very well characterised. Tsukasa got rid of his torment. Riri surprised me. The ending remains open. Who knows, maybe there will be a sequel in the future. Imaginative but consistent. I'll read it again.

    comedy fantasy romance


69 reviews

May 31, 2023

I'm so invested in this series 😭💖💖💖


201 reviews1 follower

July 8, 2023

Me gustó tanto esta obra que caí a leer el manga en búsqueda de más, tras ver las adaptación de Netflix, para terminar enterándome que terminan ambos en el mismo punto de la historia. Al final del manga te encontras con una nota de autor que explica que era su intención terminar la historia en ese tono y me pareció una buena propuesta lo que plantea sobre que quede a elección de la protagonista con quién se queda, si es que siquiera se enamora de alguno. Aunque honestamente me quedara con muchas ganas de leerlo!

Me gustó muchísimo cómo la historia trata desde temas muy graciosos y mágicos, hasta temas serios y preocupantes. Me shockeó particularmente el tema del acoso y valoré un montón la capacidad de la autora de poder trasmitir todo lo necesario sobre el tema para generar awareness y empatía. Por sobre todo me fascinó que la víctima fuera alguien de género masculino y se tratara la situación con la gravedad que realmente merece que ocurra algo así. Me he cansado de leer como romantizan ese tipo de tratos por considerarse cool que una mujer (misma edad o mayor) es una re conquista si persigue o acosa a un chico u hombre, ya sea de parte de los pares diciendo que es un galán o de parte de otra figura masculina diciendo que al ser hombre es imposible que abusen de él, que si no quiere puede decir no o por qué se hace el difícil si tiene una mujer a disposición, a diferencia de los demás. Esto lo vemos un poco en la respuesta del padre y me gustó mucho que tanto su mamá, hermana y Anzu, lo apoyaran sin dudarlo.
Por otro lado, maneja un perfecto balance entre matarte de risa por clichés de situaciones mágicas, ver guiños y referencias del mundo del gaming/manga/animé, y ser un manojo de sentimientos cuando pasan cosas serias o emotivas. Reí, lloré, me dio miedo, sentí calorcito en el pecho y me generó felicidad. Siento que tuvo todo lo que no sabía que quería y necesitaba leer en una historia.

Además de parecerme interesante la trama, Anzu se convirtió en una de las protagonistas de manga que más disfruté de leer/ver. No sólo es re copada y la real besto frendo que cualquiera querría tener, sino que además su desarrollo mantuvo coherencia a lo largo de toda la obra y me resultó muy relatable su forma de pensar y actuar mientras atravesó todas las situaciones que experimentó.
La verdad que 10/10. La recomiendo para toda persona que quiera leer algo corto, divertido y con un buen desarrollo de personajes e historia (pero que no le jodan los finales abiertos, jajajaja).

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


496 reviews4 followers

September 28, 2023

I love this series will all of my heart, and it was such a joy getting a chance to revisit it in the original format after loving the anime. This is such an underrated gem. One of the big reasons why this series, and this volume in particular is so top tier for me is because of the emotion and intent behind it. Anzu's motivations and personality don't get changed to craft a fake happy ending that feels forced.

The emphasis is on friendship in this story, and I love that so much. She has a connection with these boys because of how great a friend she is to them, how they all support each other. I think it's beautiful. And how Riri becomes a part of that friend group. The found family vibes are incredible.

Reading the author's note at the end saying she wanted to write an ending that makes you wish you could keep reading...well, you succeeded! Because I'd read 50 volumes of this easily. But sadly, this is the end. I guess this means I just have to watch the anime again.

    2023-reads manga-graphic-novels owned-by-me


135 reviews22 followers

May 28, 2024

I felt like I called it in the other books with the ending and you know what, I am not mad about it. I liked it, but it also kind of felt a bit like a copout. Just a little bit. There was also the rushed aspect that I was worried about, knowing that this was the final installment and that there was a lot of plot that was left to resolve, not simply the stalker arc.

Author did explain about the Saki and Makoto that I had questions about, but it would have been nice to see them again or at least have them mentioned in passing. I didn't like the bit with her parents' location as that made zero sense. In earlier chapters, they even spoke about the time difference so she could wait until the appropriate time to call them, etc. Then we get that they were just here. Plus the whole thing with Riri and her company being resolved so quickly after she apparently did something so bad it warranted an execution order. It all really felt rushed. Maybe author just had another project they wanted to focus on and wanted to wrap this up quickly??

Despite this, I still liked this and it still gave the sappy feeling I get from the managas.

Charlee J

16 reviews

May 15, 2024

Not too bad. I procrastinated the f*ck outta finishing it but I was glad I picked it up again. I think the ending felt very Anzu. Not super duper pooper happy abt what Riri did to the stalker lady even if she’s a big pee pee head it was a lil messed. I also didn’t like how Riri wasn’t rlly punished for it. Also, what was the point of hijiri threatening the stalker’s police relative when that happened anyway? I’m assuming for his character development but did anyone care to see that anyway. And more on the end, I’m kind of glad Anzu didn’t fall for anyone cuz I think that was very true to her character. But on that note, I kind of wish the project ended and just let her be her (potentially aromatic) self but she can still live with kazuki and junta with occasional visits from riri as they just live out the rest of their high school career as homies. Idk why I cared to write this long ass review but there’s all my cents.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

The Book Dragon

2,176 reviews33 followers

July 13, 2023

Anzu is dealing with her new life as a shojo protagonist fairly well. Even the summer festival heart events aren't giving her much grief.

But then there's Kazuki's secret comes out and hits the story like a bomb. Like, damn, that's rough to begin with but then people start victim blaming and downsizing the issue to the point that Kazuki can barely leave the house.

But then after that, it's very clear that the story got axed because it just wraps up really quick, giving the reader the "and the group will continue this plot without us" ending. Anzu doesn't pick a guy and she's still stuck being part of the project. Not the most standard shojo ending, but honestly it still kinda fits the vibe so I'll let it slide. Overall, a quirky subversive rom-com that has some really good messages. Worth it.

This series has 4 volumes.

    finished-manga-series wishlist-manga


541 reviews10 followers

December 6, 2023

I loved this series SO much. Sending screenshots to my friend group got a few of them starting it up yesterday as well, haha. Can't wait to do a group watch of the anime with the boys next when they finish reading.

I'm perfectly happy with the ending. The friendships and familial relationships were the best part of the development of this series (all of the laughs aside). I would normally want some clarity on who "gets the girl" but that wasn't really what was important in this story, and I'm content with where things currently stand.

This series is an absolute treasure trove of hilarious screenshots to use as reactions, heartfelt interactions between characters, and beautiful declarations of trust and friendship. Anzu has already become one of my favorite female protagonists across media. She's fantastic. I'm going to cherish this one for a long time.


5,908 reviews31 followers

January 14, 2024

Honestly, the handling of the stalker wasn't the worst thing in the world and I actually really appreciated how it highlighted how men can be vulnerable and toxic masculinity and expecting them to be 'strong' and 'manly' all the time is wrong. They can suffer and be afraid and it doesn't make them any less of a man for it. The ending was incredibly unsatisfying and rushed though - this essentially just breezed through everything instead of taking the time to develop it and it doesn't actually wrap up the main plotline of Anzu being forced to find a romance - instead of tightens the deadline and then cuts it short.


Lindsay Jones

34 reviews1 follower

January 16, 2024

Call me basic, but I just love a good lamp-shading romcom. Momose does an excellent job, especially in the first half, of calling out all the major tropes shoujo fans would expect to see in a high school romcom and does their best to grind them to dust under Anzu’s heel. This falls off in the back half, completely understandably, to develop the drama and emotional core of the story.

Speaking of Anzu, any reverse harem lives or dies on the strength of its heroine, and Anzu is more than up to the task of carrying this story. She’s relatable, she’s funny, and she’s filled with deep anger toward anyone trying to dictate how others feel - and that’s a theme worth developing in the genre!


277 reviews3 followers

October 25, 2023

This was the best volume so far! Even if there were there some things that were ridiculous enough to take me out of the story .

Other then that, it was a great read and I read it in a single sitting - Anzu was still a queen and I melted a little when . I wanted more scenes with those two!

Also, obviously, Makoto is the best guy.

    fantasy manga read-in-2023

Kylee Ehmann

1,206 reviews3 followers

June 24, 2024

The ending of this series is so, so good. I love that this series takes the concept of "it's vital for everyone to be paired up romantically" ends on the premise that, "yes, romantic love is important, but it's not as important as creating a community of friends and finding connection based on real, deep feelings with one another." It maintains its humor, even as we are introduced to Kazuki's stalker and backstory. I also appreciate how seriously this story takes Kazuki's trauma, and how kind everyone is around him.

Chris Orme

457 reviews2 followers

July 19, 2023

Not my usual thing. Romantic comedies, blergh. But, I like trying things on the SJ app & did find myself really enjoying this. Maybe because the MC cares more about games & her cat than romance. This volume took a weird left turn with some series stalker plotline this volume but it was good for character development if a bit off tone. But, this is the final volume & the end was satisfying if not blowing you away. But, it was a great self contained 4volume series that is worth a read.


470 reviews3 followers

August 7, 2023

The end to a fun little series that gave some surprising heart and emotional depth. In a book about a girl who has no desire to fall in love and is coerced into situations by a magic fairy to make that happen, I really enjoyed the friendships and bonds formed in this series. I enjoyed the open ending that lets the reader imagine what happens next.


634 reviews41 followers

August 11, 2023

Ahhh such a good volume!!! Tsukasa’s past was traumatic but I’m so happy his friends stepped up to help him. Also Riri going full-demonic was great! I read some people saying they were disappointed the ending was kinda open but I actually liked it, for me it’s seems really befitting for the story. I hope one day the author decides to continue it :)

Annasarah Richard

13 reviews

January 21, 2024

Oh my goodness I love this series so much. I didn’t realize this was the finial volume until I finished the volume and read the back. My heart is crushed. The last volume was so good and filled with cliff hangers I literally was screaming while I was reading the volume. I want more. I don’t want it to end.

Hannah Williams

164 reviews1 follower

August 11, 2023

I LOVED this series oh my gosh I am obsessed. I watched the anime on Netflix after and it only increased my love for this whole thing. Everything was executed perfectly and I hope hope hope the writer and Netflix continue this amazing project!!


96 reviews22 followers

August 30, 2023

[ch. 31-38] i love this series so much i wish it never ended and we just got to see more shenanigans and character interactions because everyone is just so so so loveable and compliment each other so well ☹️ also anzu and kazuki all the way<33


71 reviews

September 22, 2023

That was the perfect ending and it was so good, even though I already figured out how it would end and the author still impressed me positively with the best direction. I have to say that Anzu is a relatable character who makes me happy reading about her story and love story.

    contemporary drama fantasy
ロマンティック・キラー 4 [Romantic Killer 4] (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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