Stellaris Console Commands (2024)

Want to customize your next Stellaris playthrough? Curious about testing out a specific mechanic? Then making use of the game’s console commands might be the answer for you. We’ve got the full list right here at Nerds and Scoundrels.

To use console commands in Stellaris, press the “`” key (remove the quotation marks) to open the console. You can usually find this key directly below the ESC key.

1. TweakerGUI commands are a specific sub-set of commands that spawn UI elements for toggling of commands preventing the need for re-opening the console and typing out the command again.

2. All commands in this sub-set ‘must’ start with tweakergui.

Note:Enter the command debugtooltip to show IDs for things like planet IDs and population IDs when you hover over them in your game.

1. Species IDs can be read by hovering over a species in the Species menu. If a modded starting system was not used the player’s species will always be 0 and 1.

2. Leader IDs can be read by hovering over a leader in the Leaders or Empire menus. If a modded starting system was not used the player’s starting leaders will always be 0 (ruler), 1 (governor) and 2-5 (scientists).

3. Empire IDs can be read by hovering over an empire’s flag in the Contacts menu. If a modded starting system was not used the player’s empire will always be 0.

3dstatsThis command will toggle (enable and disable) the 3DStats feature. When 3DStats is enabled, your FPS and render time will be displayed on the screen.achievement_statusThis command will print your current achievement status to the console.activate_all_traditionsThis command instantly activates perks for all traditions.activate_ascension_perk [ascension perk id]This command activates the specified ascension perk.activate_tradition [tradition id]This command activates the specified tradition.add_anomaly [anomaly category]This command adds an anomaly category for the planet that you currently have selected in-game.add_ethic_pop [population id] [ethic id]This command adds the specified ethic to the specified population.add_opinion [source id] [target id] [opinion amount]This command can be used to add or remove (use negative numbers to remove) opinion from one empire to another.add_pops [species id] [planet id]This command populates an entire planet with all of the specified species.add_ship [ship name]This command can be used to spawn a fleet of the specified ship.add_trait_leader [leader id] [trait id]This command will add the specified trait to the leader with the specified ID. Use ‘debugtooltip’ to find leader IDs.add_trait_species [species id] [trait id]This command adds the specified trait to the species with the specified ID.advanced_galaxyThis command causes every default empire to gain colonies, fleets and technologies (simulates the game in year 2400).aiThis command enables and disables (toggles) AI.ai_anomaliesThis command enables and disables (toggles) AI-only anomalies for human empires.alienfxIf you have an alien case, this command will attempt to integrate with AlienFX (changing your computer lights).ambient_object [object id]This command can be used to spawn an ambient object, relative to the specified ID.attackallfleetsThis command makes all fleets under your control target every fleet that isn’t under your [effect name]This command can be used to play a specified sound [group name]This command allows you to set your active audio group.berserk_aiThis sets all AI aggression to 10 (making them become very aggressive).blend_post_effect [setting] [time] [mode]This command can be used to blend into a new post effect setting, relative to the specified type, transition duration and mode.bordersThis command calculates the map borders and prints them to your [amount]This command adds the specified amount of energy credits to your energy credits amount.casusbelli [casus belli id] [empire id]This command initiates the Casus Belli with the specified ID against the specified empire.check_saveThis command is used to check that saving is working properly. It creates two save files of your game and checks to see if they are the same – if they are different, it means there is likely a problem with your save/the saving feature.clear_debug_linesThis command gets rid of any ‘debug lines’ (things printed on the screen from debug commands that shouldn’t be there anymore) from your screen.clear_debug_stringsThis command removes any debug strings.collisionThis command enables and disables (toggles) the display of collision boxes for entities in the game.colonize [population id]This command will colonize the planet you currently have selected with the population of the specified ID.communications [empire id]If executed with an argument (an empire ID), this will toggle communication on or off with the specified empire. If executed without an argument (‘communications’ on its own), this will toggle communications on or off with all empires in the game.contactThis command enables contact with all empires currently in the game.control [planet id]This command allows you to instantly occupy the planet with the specified ID.copy_pop [population id]This command will copy the population with the specified ID to the planet that you currently have selected.crashA little bit of a silly command – this will crash your game if you enter it into the console.create_navy [percentage]This command will create a naval fleet with up to 100% of your naval capacity (‘create_navy 0.5’ for 100%). The designs used are all of your latest.create_megastructure [megastructure id]This command will create the megastructure with the specified ID.damageThis command causes the ship you currently have selected to take the specified amount of damage.debug_achievementsThis command will erase all achievements you have currently acquired.debug_achievements_clearThis command can be used to debug achievements. Although untested, this likely clears all of your achievements you have acquired.nomenThis will cause all empires (AI-controlled) to never (ever) agree to any deals or proposals.yesmenThis will cause all empires (AI-controlled) to always (regardless of prerequisites) agree to any deals or proposals..debuglinesThis command enables or disables (toggles) debug lines.debugtexture [texture name] [transparency] [alpha channel]This command can be used to debug textures – see argument information for further help.debugtooltipThis command will toggle (enable or disable) debug tooltips. Debug tooltips show things like planet IDs, population IDs, and other useful information in tooltips when you hover over things in the game.democratic_electionThis command will forcefully start the next democratic election.depositsThis command prints deposit statistics to the console.effectThis command executes the specified effect script.electionThis command will forcefully start the next ruler [amount]This command adds the specified amount of engineering points to your current amount. Specify a negative value to remove engineering points.errorThis command prints errors to the game log and console.event [event id] [empire id]This command starts the event with the specified ID in the specified empire.eventscopesThis command prints the scope trees of events that are currently to the console window.eventstatsThis command prints statistics about events that are currently running to the console window.factions.showallfactionsThis command prints a list of all factions currently in the game, along with statistics for each.factions.showattractionThis command prints a list of all factions with their attraction levels.factions.spawnallThis command will not work if 10 years have not passed in the game. When executed, this command will spawn all factions into the game.fast_forward [days]This command skips forward the specified amount of days in the game.filewatcherThis command enables or disables (toggles) filewatcher.finish_researchThis command instantly finishes all research that is currently in progress.finish_special_projectsThis command instantly finishes all special projects that are currently in [amount]This command adds the specified amount of food to your current amount. Specify a negative value to remove food.force_integrate [empire id]This command causes the empire with the specified ID to integrate into your empire.free_governmentThis command toggles (enables or disables) the time limit that prevents you from changing governments too soon after another.free_policiesThis command enables or disables (toggles) your ability to make policy changes with no restrictions.ftlThis command enables or disables (toggles) faster than light travel.fullscreenThis command enables or disables (toggles) fullscreen mode.game_over [victory type]This command forcefully ends the game with either domination (0), federation (1) or conquest (2).gfxculture [culture id]This command can be used to change your empire’s graphical culture (the way it looks).goto [x] [y]This command will move your camera to the specified X and Y coordinates.grow_pops [growth rate]This command will speed up the growth of the population of the planet you currently have selected in-game.guiboundsThis command will display bounds around GUI elements currently on the screen.hdrThis command enables or disables (toggles) the graphics setting for high-dynamic-range [command]If executed with no arguments, this will print a list of all commands in the game. If a command is specified as an argument, this command will print help for the specified command.hsvThis command converts HSV to RGB.human_aiThis command enables or disables (toggles) AI for humans.influence [amount]This command will credit you with the specified amount of influence points.infoThis command enables or disables (toggles) debug information.instant_buildThis command causes all building (including ships, upgrades, stations, etc) to be instantly completed, rather than take time to build. The effects of this command apply to everything in the game (including AI) so it is recommended that you pause your game before using [low / high]This command can be used to change the intel level of the space you currently have discovered – 0 for low, 1 for high.invincibleThis command will make all of your ships invincible (they will not be able to take any damage).kill_country [empire id]This command will kill your current empire if no ID is specified. Specify the ID of an empire to kill that empire.kill_leader [leader id]This command will kill the leader with the specified ID.kill_pop [population id]This command will kill the population with the specified ID.kill_ruler [population]This command will kill the ruler with the specified ID.lockcameraThis command enables and disables (toggles) the locking of the camera. If the camera is locked, it will not move from its current position until unlocked via console command.map_namesThis command prints a list of all of the map names..mature_galaxyThis command skips forward 100 years, simulating a ‘mature galaxy’. Useful if you want to skip ahead at the start of the game.max_resourcesThis command gives you the maximum amount of all resources in your resource storages.memtest [iteration count]This is an advanced debug command. It is used to test for memory leaks.messageThis command prints a list of message types.minerals [amount]This command adds the specified amount of minerals to your minerals storage.noguiThis command enables or disables (toggles) the GUI.nomouseThis command enables or disables (toggles) the scrollwheel.observeThis command enables observer mode, use ‘play 00’ to exit.overnight [ticks to skip]This command can be used to set the game into ‘overnight session’ mode. This causes the game to skip the specified amount of ticks after each tick (so you can leave your computer on over night and the game will run slower).own [planet id]This command can be used to claim the planet with the specified ID for your current empire (may also work for fleets, starbases, colonies, etc).particleThis command enables or disables (toggles) particle debug information.particle_editorThis command opens the particle editor window.path [start index] [end index]This command can be used to find paths between stars.peace_on_player [empire id]This command forces the empire with the specified ID to offer peace to you.physics [amount]This command will credit you with the specified amount of physics points.planet_class [planet class]This command will change the class of the planet you currently have selected to the specified planet class.planet_happiness [amount]This command adds the specified amount of happiness to the planet you currently have selected. It will not allow happiness to go above its ‘legitimately’ obtainable limit.planet_resource [resource id] [amount]This command will add the specified amount of the specified resource to the planet you currently have selected.planet_size [tile amount] [planet id]This command can be used to change the size of the planet with the specified ID. The maximum size is 25, larger numbers can cause problems with your game.planetsThis command prints a list of all planet classes, and the amount of them in the current [empire id]This command can be used to play as/switch to another empire. Your starting empire has an ID of 00. This command will cause the empire you switch from to be governed by AI.populate [planet id]This command fully populates all free slots on the planet you current have selected in-game.productionThis command prints debug information about production.random_rulerThis command replaces the ruler of your current empire with a random ruler.recalc_fleet_presenceThis command is a debug tool, when executed it will recalculate the fleet presence cache.regenerate_border_colorsThis command will change the border colors of empires that share the same color (one border color will be changed, the other color will stay).reload [file]This command will reload all of the assets the game currently has loaded.reload_galaxyThis command starts a new game.reload_graphical_mapThis command reloads the GUI map, useful if you encounter a bug/glitch.reloadfx [map / .fx file]This command reloads the game’s shaders.remove_ethic_pop [population id] [ethic id]This command removes the specified ethic from the population with the specified ID.remove_notificationThis command will remove all notifications currently on the screen.remove_trait_leader [leader id] [trait id]This command removes the trait with the specified ID from the leader with the specified ID.remove_trait_species [species id] [trait id]This command removes the trait with the specified ID from the species with the specified ID.rendertypeThis command prints the current rendering system that is being used to the console.research_all_technologies [creature / crisis] [repeatable]This command will instantly research all non-repeatable technologies if no arguments are specified. See argument information for details on researching repeatable, crisis and creature technologies.research_technology [tech id]This command will research the technology type with the specified ID.resource [resource id] [amount]This command will credit you with the specified amount of resource points.resourcesThis command prints resource statistics to the console.reverse_diplo [diplomatic action id] [empire id]This command will send the specified diplomatic action from the specified empire to the empire you are currently playing [file name]This command will run a list of commands in .txt file that is within the root game directory.scalingThis command enables or disables (toggles) the scaling of models.skills [amount]This command adds the specified amount of levels to every skill that each of the leaders under your control have.smoothThis command enables and disables (toggles) Stellaris’ graphical frame smoothing feature.society [amount]This command will credit you with the specified amount of society research points.spawnentity [entity id]This command will spawn the entity with the specified ID at the current location of your cursor/mouse in the game.srgbThis command enables and disables (toggles) SRGB color.surrender [empire id] [war id]This command makes the empire with the specified ID surrender in the specified war. If you do not provide a war ID as a second argument, a list of IDs for wars the specified empire is currently engaged in will be printed.surveyProvided you have at least one science strip, this command will survey all planets.switchlanguage [language name]This command will switch to the specified language/localization type. If you specify the name of the language you are already using, this will reload the language file (so you do not need to restart your game if you have made changes).techupdateThis command will refresh the technology tree (randomizes your current research options).techweights [tech area]This command prints the weights for the specified technology tree.terraforming_resources [amount]This commands adds the specified amount of terraforming resources to the planet you currently have selected.test_achievement [achievement id]This is a debug tool. It will test the trigger of the achievement with the specified ID.threading.taskthreadscountThis command prints the amount of threads the game is currently utilizing.ticks_per_turn [tick amount]This command can be used to adjust the amount of ticks per turn in the game. This can be used to speed up the game.timeThis command prints the current time of your computer (not the game).trigger [script name]This command will execute the test script with the specified name.trigger_docsThis command prints information regarding triggers and their effects.trigger_fileThis is an advanced debug command. It will test the specified trigger script file (and also crash your game).unlock_edictsThis command will instantly unlock all of the game’s edicts for application to either a planet or your entire empire (it will not apply them, just unlock them).unity [amount]This command adds the specified amount of unity.versionThis command copies the current version of the game you are running to your clipboard. Useful for reporting bugs.volume [volume]This command will set your game volume to the specified delta value.war_on_player [empire id]This command will make the empire with the specified ID declare war on your current empire.war [declarer empire id] [subject empire id] [war goal id]This command will make a specified empire declare war on another specified empire with a war goal of your choice.warexhaustion [amount]This command adds the specified amount of war exhaustion to all of your empire’s active wars.window [open / close] [gui name]This command opens or closes (relative to the specified argument) the specified GUI.wireframeThis command enables and disables (toggles) wireframe.tweakergui draw.asteroidsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the rendering of asteroid belts.tweakergui draw.backgroundThis command enables and disables (toggles) the background of the game/sky.tweakergui draw.bordersThis command enables and disables (toggles) the rendering of borders.tweakergui draw.centerThis command enables and disables (toggles) the flow in the center of the galaxy.tweakergui draw.clustersThis command enables and disables (toggles) the drawing of clusters.tweakergui draw.combatdebuglinesThis command enables and disables (toggles) the target line that is drawn between a ship and the target it is currently attacking.tweakergui draw.dustThis command enables and disables (toggles) galaxy dust visibility.tweakergui draw.greenscreenThis command will show a greenscreen behind the background – you need to disable the background to see it (useful for pictures and videos).tweakergui draw.hyperlanesThis command enables and disables (toggles) hyplerlanes visiblity.tweakergui draw.namesThis command enables and disables (toggles) the display of names for things like empires and galaxies in the map.tweakergui draw.navigationarrowsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the navigation arrows that show in-game.tweakergui draw.nebulaThis command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of nebulas.tweakergui draw.neighborsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of the lines that connect a system to its neighbours and those that divide the map into cells.tweakergui draw.objectsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of objects on the screen like stars, ships, stations and planets.tweakergui draw.pathtosystemThis command enables and disables (toggles) the ‘path to system’ feature. When this feature is enabled, the path of ships to different systems will be drawn on the screen, along with an estimation of the time it will take for them to arrive.tweakergui draw.sensorThis command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of ships and owned systems sensor ranges (they are usually visible as green dashed circles).tweakergui draw.shipintersectionThis command enables and disables (toggles) the display of the ship intersection.tweakergui draw.starsThis command shows and hides (toggles) black holes and stars.tweakergui draw.systeminitThis command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility and a systems initialisation template.tweakergui draw.systemlinesThis command shows and hides planetary orbits, warp bounds and outer bounds.tweakergui draw.tigridThis command shows and hides the galaxy map grid.tweakergui draw.trailsThis command enables or disables (toggles) ship trail visibility.tweakergui draw.weaponlocatorsThis command shows and hides (toggles) weapon locators.tweakergui enable.aiThis command enables and disables (toggles) AI.tweakergui enable.assertsThis command enables and disables (toggles) asserts.tweakergui enable.framesmoothingThis command enables and disables (toggles) frame smoothing.tweakergui endscreenThis command opens the end-game screen.tweakergui entity.namesThis command enables and disables (toggles) entity names showing.tweakergui entity.recursiveboundingvolumesThis command enables and disables (toggles) recusive bounding volumes.tweakergui gui.wireframeThis command enables and disables (toggles) the GUI’s wireframe.tweakergui instant_colonyThis command enables and disables (toggles) the wait-time it takes for colony ships to settle (if enabled, there will be no wait).tweakergui instant_moveThis command enables and disables (toggles) the travel time it takes for ships to move. If enabled, ships will instantly teleport to whether they are directed to.tweakergui maxfps [fps cap]This command can be used to set an FPS limit for your client. If executed with no arguments, this will remove the FPS limit.tweakergui mesh.miplevelsThis command prints a list of all texture mipmap levels.tweakergui mesh.namesThis command is untested – it likely prints a list of loaded textures.tweakergui mesh.texturenamesThis command prints a list of all texture locations on your filestystem.tweakergui mesh.wireframeThis command shows and hides (toggles) the wireframe visiblity of models (not the GUI).tweakergui music.fadeThis song fades the currently playing music track into the next.tweakergui music.nextThis command makes the next song queued play.tweakergui normalsThis command shows normalisation points for nodes.tweakergui pathfindcacheThis command likely clears the pathfinding cache (frees up memory).tweakergui popfactionlogsThis is a debug command. It will print logs (to console or a log file) regarding populations and factions.tweakergui portraitsThis command is a debug command, used when portrait modding.tweakergui portraits.poplevelThis command is a debug command, used when portrait modding.tweakergui terraincognitaThis command will reveal all space that is currently uncharted.

And that concludes our Stellaris Console Commands List. Did we miss anything? If so, let us know in the comment section below.

Stellaris Console Commands (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.